Interactive Online Student Portal Updates
- NEW Independent Version of the KIC ELL Assessment - Students Can Take This Assessment on Their Own & Have a Level Automatically Assigned to Them!
- NEW Form for Assigning Levels to Students to Make It Easier to Assign Multiple Students at a Time from a List of Your Students.
- Independent Lesson Content & Audio for Beginners 1-2 so that students can work through lessons more independently.
- Quizzes for Automated Progression through lessons. We've completed Beginners 1-3. Students can now take a quiz and proceed to the next lesson without the need for the teacher to mark that lesson complete.
- New Set New Password Form for Students - You can now set a new password for a student after that student has been added. Previously, you had to receive an email but some students are unable to receive emails due to school servers blocking the emails.
- Quizzes for Automated Progression through lessons. We've completed Beginners 4 & Low-Intermediate 1-2. Students can now take a quiz and proceed to the next lesson without the need for the teacher to mark that lesson complete.